How do I leave feedback?
You can leave feedback for the order within 30 days of completing an order. Please follow the steps below to leave feedback for an order:
Step 1: Sign into My Orders
Step 2: Go to Manage Feedback, and click Orders Awaiting My Feedback
Step 3: Choose an order and click Leave Feedback. There will be the Leave Feedback button after order is completed.
Step 4: Finish the ratings and click Leave Feedback to submit the feeback.
You can also add description and upload pictures for the goods and service of the order. If you do not would like to show the account information, please select Leave Feedback as Anonymous.
* Some products do not support pictures uploaded in feedback.
Step 5: Feedback will be published after you finish it. Please check the result on Published Feedback page.
Seller’s feedback left for you will also shown on Published Feedback page after the feedback is published.
You can leave feedback once, and leave more feedback once for each order.