How to open dispute?
You can apply for a refund if you’ve not received the order by the end of Buyer Protection period or if you want to return your order for a refund. You can go to the Account > Orders > Order details to apply, manage or track your refund.
When can you get a refund?
Order not shipped out
If the seller has not yet shipped out your order, you can cancel for a refund:
- Go to My Account > Order> Order detail of the order you want to cancel.
- Click on the Cancel order button.
The refund will be processed within 3-20 business days depending on your payment method.
Order shipped out by not received
If the seller has shipped out the order but you haven’t received it yet,
- Start a dispute by going to Account > Order > order details of the specific order and open a dispute
- Select Refund only for the application type
After-delivery item issues
If the order or the packaging is damaged, item received has issues, or it’s not as described then you can;
- Start a dispute by going to Account > Order > order details of the specific order and open a dispute
- Select Refund & Return or Refund only for the application type
How to apply for a refund?
Open a dispute
- Go to Account > Order click on order details on the item you want a refund or refund for a return
- Click on Open Dispute to initiate the process
Select the dispute details
- Select the reason why you are applying for a refund
- Specify the refund amount you’d like [shipping fee refund will be applicable if you return the entire order]
- Select & confirm the refund method where you’d like to receive the refund amount to get debited.
- Describe the issue and add relevant images
Check the progress of your refund
The seller will respond within 5 days after this & keep an eye on updates. To check the progress of your update;
- Go to Account > Order> Order details of the item you want to refund
- Current status is mentioned on the dashboard as In progress
- Click on Handle now to take any action
Confirm the solution provided
- If you agree with the seller’s solution, you may Confirm.
- If you don’t agree, you can provide more evidence to the seller.
- After 5 days, if there’s no solution swift2buy will step in and provide solutions based on the evidence you’ve provided.
Refund ended
On agreement, a refund will be sent to the Refund method selected. It takes 3-20 business days for the refund amount to be reflected in the system. You can check the payment method or the dispute dashboard to ensure a refund has been received.