How to cancel my order?
1. Unpaid order
You can cancel directly by clicking ‘Cancel Order’ button on order detail page.
2. Paid order
You can cancel your order with seller’s approval. Cancellation process:
① Click ‘Request Order Cancellation’. Select a reason for cancellation
② Wait confirmation from seller. If seller did not respond within 48 hours, order will be cancelled automatically.
③ Refund will be processed to your bank/card account within 3-20 business days
1. Order cannot be cancelled when order status is ‘Payment being verified’ or ‘Payment processing’. You can try to cancel the order after order status update.
2. Seller may not reply immediately due to high order volume (such as 11.11 Sales). Your patience on this will be appreciated.
3. If seller have sent goods out, but you haven’t received your order after delivery time is out, or you are not satisfied with the product you received, please get in touch with the seller first to try to come to a solution. If that doesn’t work, you can apply for a refund by opening a dispute before the Buyer Protection has ended.